Thursday, June 28, 2007

Keeping the dingle-ball fringe at bay

Currently listening to Blonde Redhead's '23', The Shins 'Wincing the Night Away'. Some days I almost wish my commute was longer so that I could have more down time, just to listen to music and keep myself on the road. Almost, I said.

Things feel as though they are loosening up a bit: there is more time for music, more time for writing, more time for wasting, more time for planning. I looked at my course plan and the end is close enough now that I can list with some certainly exactly which classes I will be taking, which semester, and, right now, December 2008 does not feel so very far away. I know this lightness will probably pass and I'll become mired again in the muck, the worry, the deadlines, but this is the first time in a year that I've caught sight of the surface.

Slavic Soul Party! had to leave the car, for a while anyway. I imagined myself driving the little car erratically through narrow streets, and I saw dingle-ball fringe adorning my headliner. Considering my recent lapses in vehicular judgment, I thought it best to adjust my soundtrack to something more sane, if less exciting.

A coworker told me yesterday that having Balkan ancestry was cool. Well, yeah!

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