Saturday, November 14, 2009

He Cuts, He Pokes! Go! Go! Go!

Took some time out from weird times to go see a really bad/good Japanese monster movie on a big screen...

We thought the 50th Anniversary screening of Godzilla--complete with subtitles and without Raymond Burr--at the Cinema 21 several years ago was pretty nifty (I think the Lad was still somewhat new to the reading thing back then--now he's a major fan of the subtitled monster and anime genres, not to mention a serious reader). But Filmusik's project Gamera vs. Guiron with a live soundtrack was the bee's knees.

By now the lad's well familiar with the Hero Turtle Gamera, but how often do we get to see it on the silver screen of an old theater? The soundtrack was completely live--chamber orchestra, voice actors, foley artists, and the front row turned out to be a planted chorus who stood up and sang the Gamera theme song. Twice. The audience was appreciative and participatory, and at the end of the show we were asked to please rise for a last chorus of the theme song, complete with "follow the bouncing ball" lyrics. Sheer happiness and lots of laughter. Totally Awesome. I can't wait to see what this group does next.

Filmusik: Gamera vs. Guiron from Galen Huckins on Vimeo.