Saturday, August 25, 2007

Enough Said? But then again...

The old cat is terminal. ($48, office visit + antibiotic to stave off infection, delay the inevitable).

I hit some unidentified metal object on the highway which cracked my bumper, pierced the grill, dented and pushed back the A/C condenser ($500 deductible).

Discovered a flat tire leaving work on my late night (Free @ Les Schwab, remove nail, patch tire).

Fall Semester began ($1924, tuition for 6 credits--Child Abuse & Neglect, Methods in Behavioral Research, textbooks purchased/paid for last month).

The gist? It's been ONE expensive, crappy week. I wanna take my marbles and go home.


It's a late August night and the sounds of Hawaiian music are blowing up from the river. This town, out of the blue, decided it was time to acknowledge its Hawaiian roots...Homework is calling my name. So's e-mail that I promised weeks ago. So's a ukulele melody carried on the breeze. The only call I'll answer, likely, is that of sleep.

Stress has left me a little addled. I had the house to myself (sort of) and thought I might actually COOK, for real. I was whipping up some yogurt tahini sauce, a recipe I hadn't tried...thought, hmmm, it's not bad, but kind of ODD. Didn't dawn on me even then that the Plain Yogurt I thought I'd bought--I always buy--was not plain, but Vanilla. I didn't let it crush me...thought about it, yes, but then put my shoes on, went down to the store, the only one in town, the one that calls itself the shopping center. Little town. And half the town seems to be milling in front of the dairy section. My patience did not pay off...they have yogurt, but no plain yogurt. Isn't plain always an option?

My head feels as though it's been packed in fiberglass insulation.

I visited the ORG this evening specifically to pack up my corner of the pond, paddle off for good, I've no time to play, make no time to do anything more than snapshots, write only research papers and essays for class...but recent modifications meant things to see on the welcome page... Somewhere between some kid spewing cinnamon and lukku cairi's Axl Rose I was laughing out loud and I really, really needed that. And then there's other new toys...

Time's wasting away, though, and I must produce something commensurate with that passage.


DangerAmy said...

I'd miss you so much if you left ...

Grace said...

Well, there's probably no chance of that. Last night people I don't know (and I couple I do!) improved my mood so much, made me laugh, got my gears moving, and they have no idea! So, yeah, it would be pointless to just cut off one of those many little things that keep me sane.

Nice to see you blogging here, too, my dear.

DangerAmy said...

They do have that effect don't they? :)

Anonymous said...

So glad you enjoy us! I find that the support of the duckies is really important. Just watchin' the gang blow cinnamon out thier noses and spew & rectch totally makes my day, my month . . .

Bizarre to say, but Not Kiddin;
